Returns & Exchange

If for any reason you wish to exchange the toy that you bought, you can do so within 7 days of purchase.


To exchange the toy that you bought all you need to do is make mobile video of old un-opened toy in original condition and share with us at WhatsApp and send us the products through any courier with the original un-opened toy and packing material at our address: Askari 14 Sector C Street 12 House 231, Rawalpindi , Ph#: 03281440995

Along with the following details:

  1. Name: __________
  2. Order number: __________
  3. New required product: __________
  4. Old product: __________
  5. Reason for exchange: __________

After inspection, our team will dispatch the required products free of any delivery charges.

NOTE: Before proceeding, please confirm on website that the product you require is available.

Items already exchanged, are not applicable for return/exchange.

Items purchased at full price will be exchanged at the current price only.

Return for a Refund

If for any reason you wish to return an item for a refund, we have 7 days return and exchange policy. To be eligible for refund the item must be un-opened and packed in the original box. All you need to do is to send us the items at our address: Askari 14 Sector C Street 12 House 231, Rawalpindi, Ph#: 03281440995

With the following details:

  1. Name: __________
  2. Order Number: __________
  3. Reason for return: __________
  4. Account Title: __________
  5. Bank Name: __________
  6. IBAN: ________________________

NOTE: Sale items can be exchanged but are not applicable for return. For feedback and suggestions, please contact us at email: , Call/WhatsApp 03281440995